The origins of the founder of Signature Group, Thomas Midzielski, are going back to 1888 when his great grand father Viktor Wieczorek started the family’s first construction company with focus on civil works in Upper Silesia, former Germany and todays Poland. The family soon became one of the main contractors, constructing important civil buildings, railroad tracks and bridges. One of the most important projects was the participation on the railroad track between Wroclaw ( Breslau ) and Krakow ( Krakau ) in Upper Silesia. During the difficulties of the WWII the family was forced to close down the business and support the Nazi war. After WWII Wieczorek could not continue anymore the original idea of the company, being under control now in Poland from the Soviet regime and running just small private constructions.
In 2000, nearly 50 years later, Thomas Midzielski was getting back to the original roots of the family providing excellence in building and architecture. Building up over the years significant education all over the construction and architecture industry, he was involved in numerous projects globally supporting and advising in different fields from Sales & Marketing, Project Management, Construction, Strategy and Finance. Working for renowned developers in prime markets over the world, he finally founded the SIGNATURE GROUP, underlying the original idea of his great grand father of the “Manufacturer of Excellence”.
Today, Signature is one of Top Developers, Architecture, Project Management and Advisor companies on the market. Being known for the slogan “Manufacturer of Excellence”, Signature is involved in different real estate sectors and projects all over Europe, both investing and constructing.