Mallorca and its "Sa Rua" Carnival
In February, “Sa Rua” is celebrated in all the towns of Mallorca. It is a carnival parade that fills the towns and cities with colours and happiness. The floats are made by neighbourhood associations and the general public who start designing them weeks before the parade. There is also a children's carnival, called " Sa Rueta".
This year's "Sa Rueta" will take place om Saturday, the 9th of February. It will start at 17:00h on Calle Jaime III, and continue on Passeo Borne, Juan Carlos I and then Calle Unión to Plaça Mercat.
"Sa Rua", the main celebration, takes place in Palma on Sunday, the 10th of February, also starting from 17:00h but this time on La Rambla, continuing on Calle Riera, Calle Unión, Juan Carlos I and Jaime III. A ceremony for warding the best costumes will be held at Plaça Joan Carles I.
A perfect occasion, weather permitting, to get in the middle of an amazing colorful party atmosphere.