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Decrease in the number of foreigners living in Mallorca

The figures released at the beginning of January by the National Institute of Statistic (INE) show that the number of foreigners registered in Spain at January 1st 2012 was of 5.736.258, 15.229 less than in 2011. This is the first decrease in the past 15 years in the number of foreign immigrants living in the country.

The Balearic Islands are the Autonom Community with the highest percentage of foreign residents : 2 of every 10 inhabitants of the Balearic Islands are foreigners. With a decrease of 0.1% compared to the previous year, the Baleares are still the area of Spain with the highest percentage of foreign residents - 21.8% (235,082 individuals). In Mallorca the German community has around 36,758 registered with their local Padron, followed by the Moroccan community with 24,270 residents and then the Brits with 23,804.

According to the statistic, at the beginning of 2012 Mallorca had 876,147 residents, Ibiza had 137,357 empadronados, followed by Menorca with 95,178 and Formentera, where 10.757 people live. In Palma were living 407,648.

For more and detailed information, you can visit the website of the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica.