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Spain's 'Oscars' could be held in Palma in 2026

The 39th Goyas, Spain's 'Oscars', were held in Granada last Saturday. With the exception of one year, 2000 in Barcelona, they were always in Madrid until the Academy of Arts and Cinematographic Sciences broke with tradition in 2019 and started to hold the awards in other cities. The 33rd Goyas, which applied to the year 2018, were held in Seville in February 2019. Since then, they have been to Malaga (twice), Valencia, Seville again, Valladolid and now Granada.

Last year, Palma's mayor, Jaime Martínez, and the councillor for culture, Javier Bonet, expressed their desire to bring the awards ceremony to Mallorca. They both in fact attended the event in Valladolid. This wasn't the first time, as when he was mayor and also culture councillor, Antoni Noguera made the case for Palma to be the host city.
