Signature Group

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Scandinavian inspiration - Den Blå Planet

The Blue Planet is one of Denmark’s five most prominent tourist attractions. At the tourism conference “A New Way to Grow” 2012, the Blue Planet was chosen as Denmark’s best lighthouse project within experience economy, because of its potential for growth, influence on regional development, innovation, realization as well as its uniqueness and ‘reason to go’.

Photos courtesy of Signature Group’s own Marketing Department.

Our inspiration comes today all the way from Scandinavia, to be more precise, the National Aquarium of Denmark - Den Blå Planet.

Opened to the public in 2013 and located in Kastrup, a suburb of Copenhagen, the building inspired by water in constant motion resembles a giant whirlpool and it can be seen from above by travellers arriving by plane at the neighbouring Copenhagen Airport.

Designed by the Danish architecture firm 3XN, the Blue Planet connects water and landscape and it is equipped with cooling units that use seawater from Øresund to reduce energy consumption. The facade of the building is covered in small diamond shaped aluminium plates that adapt to the organic form of the building, and just like water, they reflect the light and colours of the sky thus changing the expression of the building depending on the natural environment.

The world beneath the surface of the sea is hinted by the outdoor ponds at the visitors that have been pulled into the whirlpool by the one of the longest whirls that acts as the way towards the entrance of the Blue Planet.