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TaPalma 2017 - Tapas & Cocktails fair in Mallorca's capital - 15th to 19th of November.

The tapas fair and, since last year, also the cocktails, will be held from November 15 to the 19th of the same month and is full of new features, whose sole purpose is to increase the number of visitors, as well as the quality and professionalism of the gastronomic fair.

The organization of the gastronomic route, AgenciaCom, together with Restauración Mallorca, has chosen to carry out a change of dates and thus achieve longer tourist season by attracting participating restaurants more public, not only local, but national and foreign during those months where there is a noticeable decrease in activity.

The objective is no other than to continue supporting a vital sector in the daily economic activity and, at the same time, both depends on the flow of tourists and the public in general.

This year, in addition, TaPalma 2017 is presented with many novelties and surprises that will not only favor the influx of the public during the days that TaPalma takes place, but also a commitment to the professionalism and quality of the tapas and cocktails presented.

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